Image Engineering Digital Video Decoder DVD-283

Information here is based on research and logical guesses.

- This unit decodes digital data modulated in a video signal to DACs that drive laser projectors.

- This unit doesn't appear to have a CPU. The incoming data seems to clock the hardware and the data to the DACs.

- The unit supports two scan heads, A and B. When both are active it appears to cut the scan rate in half.

- The unit has 4 digital outputs in addition to X/Y/R/G/B, B1 thru B3 and a SH(utter?)

- The DACs for R G B channels are 8 bit DACs, but two of the data pins are tied to ground

- The DACs for X and Y appear to be 12 bit

Work is underway to build a direct to computer interface to capture the data from this system.

The unit in this picture was modified to have two DB-25 connectors for connection to ILDA standard projectors. Originally the connections were made through 1/8“ connections on the front.