Image Engineering created a Macintosh based laser show editing software package called Aurora.
Thanks to OSR, one of these systems came to the SELEM event in 2018.
The system uses a DigiDesign Pro Tools Audio Card as the output interface. This is a Mac NuBus interface from an early digital audio workstation product. Instead of connecting to the normal Pro Tools audio interface boxes, Image Engineering built a special output box that contains the electronics for 4 discreet laser projector heads.
This is a picture of the Pro Tools Audio Card. This I believe was the 2nd generation of cards from the Pro Tools System.
This is the IE breakout interface unit. IE used a different type of locking connector for projectors, pre-ILDA DB25 standard:
Here is a picture of the original audio card in the original host:
I will try to get some software screen captures. As I recall it is timeline based in that it uses timecode numbers to fire clips. More info to come. It mainly depends if the software will launch without the Pro Tools card.